Then came the soreness, scabbing, & peeling. Nipples should not ever have to go through that. I knew his latch wasn't the best, but I just wanted to get it over with so I didn't really do my best in correcting it. Because I didn't take the time and effort (I was TIRED!), it took until about 5-6 months for nursing to not hurt as much. Luckily my midwife was amazing and prescribed me Jack Newman's Ointment. I credit it for never getting thrush or mastitis to this cream! I also did saline soaks to help prevent infection.
I also got PLENTY of plugged milk ducts during my first 4 months of nursing. Those were painful as well. It just took time to get rid of those-and lots of massage, heat, and nursing.

Luckily he was a ready nurser, lazy, but ready. It was frustrating to get used to (and still can be at times) how often I have to nurse. It's surprising how little you can get done in between feeding times. Especially when you add to it changing him, bathing him, showering yourself, trying to eat-anything, and then putting him down for a nap. It feels like you just don't do anything besides feeding. If you want to add pumping in between feedings to the mix, well you can imagine.
Even with all the pains and frustrations. It's worth it. Every minute I hold Peanut while nursing is treasured. Even when I'm in a hurry, or clenching my teeth if it hurts, or falling asleep. I love my special time with him. I love that when he sees me, he knows food is near. I love that I can provide his food, his sustenance, the best nutrition possible for him. Breastfeeding is a brilliant creation by God.
So if you're having problems nursing-I can sympathize. Even if it's gone amazingly smooth for you, but you treasure it-I'm with you there too.
Love this post! Breastfeeding for me with both my boys was tough, and I gave in and supplemented, then had trouble the rest of the way through with supply. Still going at 14 months, though! And now I am gaining the courage to not give in to supplements the next time around from stories like this :) Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post. I have a 6.5 month old and no one really explains to you how much it hurts in the beginning. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way, but those first couple of weeks were rough.Great blog by the way. :) If you ever have time, I am just starting out on my blog (its been going for a while but I am now putting more time into it).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! It's true, I wish everyone would stop that whole "breastfeeding shouldn't hurt". It's a lie! Lol.
DeleteI'd love to read your blog. Whats the address? It's tough getting a blog going, especially getting followers. Sometimes I feel like I'm just writing for myself(which I love), but if my posts help one person, it's worth it!