I've been on a search for local, organic produce and dairy. I want our family to eat cleaner and more nutritious. Local produce is much more nutritious due to traveling shorter distance. Organic produce
usually reduces the pesticides on produce, is
usually non GMO, and
usually chemical free. See my doubtfulness? Well the best way to really know what's in your food, is to go to the source. I was very happy when I heard of a new farm in north Provo, La Nay
Ferme, where I could do just that.
Click play to find out more:

See what I mean?
Peanut and I went for a tour of the farm during my time off. He of course had to be in proper attire. His onesie says "home grown'. We had a great time. It was a fun outside, spring activity to close our 2 weeks together.
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