- Is as close to it's natural state as possible.
- Is not overly processed and does not contain more than 5 ingredients.
- Has no added sugar in the first 3 ingredients listed.
- Contains no artificial coloring, caramel coloring, MSG, Acesulfame-K, BHA, BHT, Olestra, Potassium Bromate, Propyl Gallate, Saccharin, Aspartame, Sodium Nitrate, and TBHQ.
- Contains no refined carbs, such as white flour or high-fructose corn syrup.
- Contains no factory processed polyunsaturated or hydrogenated vegetable oils.
- Contains zero trans fats.
- Is 100 percent whole wheat and whole grain.
- Is organic, antibiotic-free chicken & eggs, preferably free range/pasture fed.
- Is grass fed, antibiotic-free, hormone-free beef.
- Is local and organic milk. Antibiotic and hormone free. Grass fed preferred.
- Includes organic produce off the 'Dirty Dozen' list.
- Is wild caught fish.
- Contains vegetables and fruit at every meal.
If possible, buy:
- Produce and animal products that are locally grown and raised
- Organic & local cheese and yogurt products.
Christine Avanti's Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food gave me a lot of the definitions listed above. I highly suggest reading this book as a starting point. I also think Lisa Leake's 100 days of mini-pledges sounds like a great way to incorporate Real Food into your every day life. Feel free to join me on the journey to Real Food with the help of these lovely ladies.
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